Burrinjuck Boutique

Burrinjuck Boutique offer a wide variety of puppy and dog products. We stock the well-known and well-loved snuggle puppies and the unique Tender-Tuffs range of dog toys, [exclusive to our store].  Burrinjuck Boutique also stock an array of puppy collars, leads and harnesses and healthy dog treats. 

Please let us know if we can help you locate anything at all related to your dog or puppy’s needs. 

GetWag Deluxe Puppy Treat Pack


All the most delectable treats for your new puppy. Not only delicious but healthy too. This pack represents sensational value. Includes:

  • Vanilla Yoghurt Drops (250g)
  • Small Antler
  • Bully Stick
  • Wag 100% Pigs Ears.
  • Treat bags (Variety). (50g Bag)
  • Goats Horn or cows hoof
  • A mystery delectable treat from whatever we can find in the pantry.

How did we begin?

Katrina Ramsay

Business Owner

I am passionate about dogs and take great pleasure in their wellbeing and happiness.  Burrinjuck Boutique began through my families ( I am a labradoodle breeder).  During the process of adopting a puppy, they would send blankets and toys etc., and asked me lots of questions regarding brands of beddings,  dog accessories  and crates that I would recommend..... and so I did my research.  I now stock some amazing quality brands of pet products.  They have been tried and tested through my own dogs and puppies and been recommended by others.